An Old Year and a New One

Things gathered in my son’s garden.
The breathtaking Christmas decorations at The Cloisters – including real lady apples.
A seeing-eye dog who licked my hand after I asked the choir member whose companion he was if I could pat him. At The Cloisters too.
Fun with my new phone…
Very serious books at The Morgan Library.
Stuff to celebrate New Year’s in the window of Artie’s shoe repair.
Not much in the January garden…
but a birthday card for me.

Veg Therapy and How to Try to Keep Semi-Sane

In these unsettling and most peculiar times I look for diversions

IMG_8160.jpglike contemplating a lovely dessert with blackberries and figs


or maybe quinces – but am not certain what I would do with the quinces. I like the look and the name but not the taste really.


Apples are easy but the Winesaps won’t be here until next week.


Teeny, tiny pears all sheeny with wetness.

IMG_8161.jpgThen I’m delighted by pinkness and buy dahlias which will only last three days – but lots of nice things last even less time than that.


Oh my! what a dazzle for the eye!


The mescalun looks as if it has been arranged – but it hasn’t.


Romanesco is worth mediating on  – all Fibonacci and architectural – look at the little group of singers at the top in their soft green dresses under the coral overhang – or make up another story entirely. Or, according to Mee (the friend who did the cookbook) bake it inside a Godzilla cake and astound the kiddies.


An orange nose has poked itself into the ghost gourds.

IMG_8180.jpgThis decorative gourd is all warty and weird – maybe it’s enchanted. In the end I brought the dahlias home and took their photo on the dining table.


And that was my morning avoiding watching the news or doing any writing or anything remotely useful. And so we go on!

Fall Thoughts – assorted

A rather sepia-tinged time of year – my favorite really.


Last week it was 85F but time for raking leaves thought there weren’t enough to make a jump-able leaf pile.


A season of very round things


and more round things


and a giant sunflower seed head.


Time to get out the water colors and work on images for my Jane Stories.

img_3904-3And look at the light on Robert’s notebook!

img_3913Halloween approaches and Berch has been busy on the local diner window. The light was so clear and bright yesterday afternoon that the paint thew splendid shadows.

img_3915This makes the window paintings extra good.

img_3922In the later afternoon a walk by the Hudson. So breezy and clear.


Some various musing on a rather under appreciated month.


This discarded looking glass just by PS 11 captured such a sharp image of the rather ugly buildings opposite. Blue plastic trash bags manage to look pretty in bright sunlight,


This building in the east 60’s has maybe been on fire – or grown mold or been abandoned – or maybe all three. Deniz says it looks like buildings in Istanbul. The blackness is just like the abandoned Portuguese Consulate building in Essouira. Like almost everyone on the planet, I like mysterious buildings.


The reason for this picture is the wonderful writing on the check. I did not set anything up as a still life. This is just what remained after I had eaten my pancakes and bacon and drunk my tea.


Yesterday I walked home down the High Line and there was almost no one about – well of course there was someone taking photos who had color coordinated his jacket to look brownish like the buildings.


See! No one at all!


But some witch hazel with waving fronds. When I was a child some mothers put witch hazel on bruises. Not sure if it has any effect – maybe magic like Bandaids on invisible scratches.


Well, one person in the distance…


A full moon to dream on


and a plastic castle to play with.



Saturday Morning

A hint of autumn in the air.


Such a good color tissue with the sunflowers and hydrangeas.


My friend Frances spotted Bill Cunningham who takes such amazing photos for The Times. Very chic in a French workman’s smock and very charming.


Absolutely no filter – what on earth are these pears? From one of my favorite stands where the fruit would never pass muster in a supermarket – and all the better for it.


Strange notice: ANTONOUKA dry but juicy. Very old (or odd)!


The Bethel look better – or worse.


But the star of the show are the pears with their speckles and gray leaves.


So wonderful I had to put in two photos.


Bread looking picturesque.


And then on the street walking home, three paint cans just sitting there.

Summer Approaches

The Sound is perfectly calm.


The picnic table awaits us.IMG_1003

No one on the beach yet and the water is chilly.


The children go in anywayIMG_0996

to look for interesting stones


to toss as far as they possibly can.


Peonies from Union Square


like debutantes in ball gowns.